07 December, 2015

BASICS: The French Alphabet

French alphabet


Hello !
Today, I will introduce you to the basics of French Alphabet. As you probably already know, the French alphabet differs slightly from the traditional latin alphabet. How? Let me show you.

Accents and ligatures

In french, we use diacritical marks on some letters...

  • Accent aigu ("aigu"="acute") : é
  • Accent grave : à è ù
  • Accent circonflexe : â ê î ô û 
  • Tréma : ä ë ï ü ÿ 
...and also ligatures:
  • æ and œ 


  • Aa : à â ä æ
  • Ee: é è ê ë
  • Ii: î ï
  • Oo: ô œ  
  • Uu: ù û ü
  • Yy: ÿ (rarely used)


  • Cc: ç

    So, to sum it all up 

    french alphabet

    But how about pronunciation? 

    If ever you're wondering about how you should pronounce the French alphabet, here's a site that I've found very helpful : LanguageGuide.
    It contains audio files and it's a great way to become familiar with French letters.

    So, this is it! You've reached the end of this very first lesson. If you want to keep in touch, all you need is to leave your email below and you'll receive free downloadable content, an invitation to join the Facebook community and other goodies. I'm surely looking forward to hear about you soon.
    If you're ready to continue, let's start chapter 2 !
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