So this is where your learning begins. But first of all, I would like to point out some important things you need to know before you start.

Tools you need

  • A pen
  • A notebook dedicated to your French lessons
  • A PDF document reader (Acrobat Reader, Lumin PDF...)
  • A writing software (some examples : Microsoft Word, Open Office, Libre Office...)
  • A folder where you store all the downloaded content (whorsheets, images or ebooks)

The learning environment

  • Choose a preferably quiet space and avoid parasitic noise (television, people talking...)
  • No background music (unlike what you may think, it definitely doesn't help with concentrating)

The learning schedule

Learning a language requires discipline and perseverance. Everybody has their own rythm, try to find yours according to your basic schedule. 

Ready? Let's start !

The categories listed below have been organised to guide you step by step. All you need to do is pick one and let's go !

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